Elevate Your Communication
Deepen Your Relationships
Fundamentals of
Compassionate Communication
Registration for our Self-paced Course is
Now Open!
After teaching our Fundamentals of Compassionate Communication workshop live, in-person and online, for over six years, we are excited to launch our all new digital course.
Designed to optimize self-paced learning, the Fundamentals of Compassionate Communication course guides you organically and comprehensively through the core elements of Nonviolent Communication.
Be able to look beyond challenging behaviors and connect with the humanity in those you care about most?
Do you want to learn foundational skills for creating more authenticity and ease in your close relationships?
Cultivate a calm, joyful center from which to live life?
Fundamentals of Compassionate Communication
What you’ll learn:
The foundational concepts and skills of Nonviolent Communication using real-world examples
Practical and effective tools for self-connection and self-compassion
To move beyond unhelpful stories and judgments of yourself and others
Ways of communicating that create more understanding and connection
How to deepen your relationships through the power of empathy
Fundamentals is a self-paced online course that provides you with the basic principles & practices of Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication or NVC).
Expertly guided by CNVC Certified NVC Trainer, Jenna Card, you’ll explore the simple, yet powerful four-part model of Nonviolent Communication, core principles essential for cultivating compassion and choice, and practices which deepen self-connection, empathy skills and confidence in navigating real-world conversations.
Ideal for people who:
Are new to Nonviolent Communication
Have NVC experience and would like a fresh perspective
Are committed to progressing through the material in sequence as modules build on one another
Will take the time to do the guided exercises and home practices that support learning and integration
Want more fulfilling, authentic, compassionate connections
What people have said about our live course…
Digital Course Format
This self-paced online course is laid out in eight easy to navigate modules. Each module contains:
lesson videos with clear explanations of NVC concepts and examples from real life
reflection exercises that support you to explore and integrate the concepts
home practices for you to practice what you are learning and begin to bring the concepts into your everyday life
downloadable handouts that include key resources and worksheets to support your learning
The course platform is optimized for computer, tablet or smartphone access.
Closed captioning is available on all videos.
You have life-time* access to the course with automatic access to any updates or additional material.
There are no course prerequisites, however, you may benefit from reading Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life by Marshall Rosenberg
* By “life-time”, we mean the the life-time of the course, nor yours or ours. As this course is foundational to our work in Nonviolent Communication, we expect it to be available for a long time. If, for whatever reason, the course is retired, we promise that you will receive ample notice.
Completing this course qualifies you for registration in our three-month in-depth Applied NVC Program!
More Than Just A Course
The Fundamentals course doesn’t just teach you the powerful foundation of Nonviolent Communication; it’s also designed to be a trusted resource you can return to anytime.
I Am Here For You
While self-study provides valuable learning flexibility, Nonviolent Communication is a relational practice. Sometimes you have questions or want wise council on how to bring it to real-life situations.
The “with Community” option below includes an invitation to participate in regular Q&A calls with CNVC Certified NVC Trainer & Coach, Jenna Card.
The one-hour Q&A calls are held every two weeks at two different times to accommodate global time zones.
Monday at 5 pm PST and Tuesday at 10 am PST.
Call recordings are available to Community registrants.
You’re here at an exciting time!
Welcome to the Pilot Program for the Fundamentals of Compassionate Communication digital course.
Register by April 1st
and receive 50% off!
From March to June 2025, we are on a journey together—us sharing our stellar course and you receiving valuable incentives in exchange for feedback.
We release a new module to you every two weeks from Monday, March 10th through Monday, June 16th.
If you’ve arrived here after March 10th, no worries, the Pilot registration is open until April 30th or until the program fills, which ever is sooner!
Learn at your pace and provide easy to submit feedback from within each module.
For each feedback submission you make, you’ll be entered to win coaching sessions with Jenna!
You can sign up for the digital course only OR the course plus live, real-time calls with Jenna.
To participate in the live Q&A calls, select the “with Community” option when registering and:
Join us for the one-hour Q&A Calls the week following each module release starting March 17th through to June 23rd
To accommodate global time zones, two call times are being offered—Mondays at 5 pm PST and Tuesdays at 10 am PST
Join one or both calls or catch the recordings available exclusively to “with Community” registrants
The one-hour Q&A calls that are a part of the “with Community” option are:
Monday, March 17—5 pm PST
Tuesday, March 18—10 am PST
Monday, March 31—5 pm PST
Tuesday, April 1—10 am PST
Monday, April 14—5 pm PST
Tuesday, April 15—10 am PST
Monday, April 28—5 pm PST
Tuesday, April 29—10 am PST
Monday, May 12—5 pm PST
Tuesday, May 13—10 am PST
Monday, May 26—5 pm PST
Tuesday, May 27—10 am PST
Monday, June 9—5 pm PST
Tuesday, June 10—10 am PST
Monday, June 23—5 pm PST
Tuesday, June 24—10 am PST
If you signed up to the “with Community” options, you are welcome to join one or both calls. If the timing doesn’t work for your schedule, you can catch the recordings available exclusively to “with Community” registrants.
There is form at the end of each module where you easily can submit your questions for the next Q&A call.
Yes, please join us as community is where it’s at!
Send an email to info@heartspring.ca and we’ll guide you through the upgrade process.
NOTE: for the Pilot Program 50% discount available until April 1st, please use PILOTCAD.
Offering services in the digital space means our customers are all around the world. This also means our impact is global too, which we are thrilled by!
As a notable amount of our business expenses are billed in USD and many of our customers are USA based, it makes sense that we would offer our services in the corresponding currency.
As a Canadian, I am sensitive to the exchange rate disparity between CAD and USD. As such, I invite Canadian residents to use the code OHCANADA at checkout for an approximation of pricing in CAD. I hope this helps with a sense of fairness and access.
If you are outside Canada / USA and would benefit from a currency adjustment in pricing, please let me know.
Join In Four Easy Steps
Select a Sign Up option below
Create your account
Complete the payment process
Find your “Verify your account” email and click “verify your account”
(If the email ended up in your junk/spam folder, please mark as safe
to ensure you receive future updates about the course)Voila! You can now login to access the course!
NOTE: The 50% discount will apply automatically
on the following payment page.
Digital course to learn the foundations of Nonviolent Communication.
Living in Canada or the Global South?
Please check the FAQ section on USD Pricing
for currency disparity pricing
Digital course to learn the foundations of Nonviolent Communication PLUS regular live Q&A Calls with NVC Trainer & Coach, Jenna Card.
Do you still have questions?
Please send us a note! We’d love to hear from you.