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Desire & Boundaries ~ An Exploration of Fire and Hearthstone for Women

  • River Lodge Courtney, BC Canada (map)

An in-person, day-long workshop for women  
Jan 14, 2023 - 10a to 5p Courtney, BC

Join us at Desire & Boundaries for a playful, live and in-person day of cultivating practical skills founded in experiential Nonviolent Communication, Wheel of Consent, movement, self-reflection, and community.  While there will be room to explore juicy desires, this will be a woman only, clothing-on, no sexual-touch, consent-based space. 

Part of artfully tending our life and relationships means being able to claim the enlivening fire of our desires, as well as maintaining clear boundaries about what we want and don’t want. 

Through the playful exploration of stoking the fire and tending the hearthstone, we can tap into new insights and open doors to self-expression and aliveness that extend far beyond our immediate relationships.